Home-Start Spelthorne

We're there for parents when they need us the most,
because childhood can’t wait.

Useful Links

Useful links for families 

Below are a list of useful links including telephone numbers and websites. Clicking on the links will open a web page for the site in a new window. The page is organised as an expandable “accordion” which makes access easier for mobile users. Simply locate the title of the organisation you are looking for and then click on the title. The entry will expand to show you the detail along with any links to external sites.

Free online resources for families

Orchard Toys

Orchard Toys – aqctivity sheets, colouring sheets and craft ideas.


Twinkl - educational resources

Twinkl – educational resources for teachers – free access available using the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS


CBeebies website

CBeebies website – online games, puzzles and craft ideas.



BookTrust – online stories, games and printables.


YouTube resources for families

Super Simple Songs

Super Simple Songs: lots of fun educational songs, nursery rhymes, etc.


Blippi - educational videos for children 2-6 years old

Blippi – educational videos for children 2-6 years old.


KidsTV123 - fun educational videos

KidsTV123 – fun educational videos for young children including phonics songs.


Community Support


Surrey Health and Welfare Support/Community Helpline

For information on other financial, health and welfare support in Surrey visit the Surrey County Council Health and Welfare Support Hub.

If you are unable to find the support you need on these pages, the Community Helpline Team can signpost you to the relevant local help and support that may be available.

  • Community Helpline on 0300 200 1008 (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm).
  • SMS 0786 0053 465 for deaf and hearing impaired residents only (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm).

Details of the foodbanks in Spelthorne are available here:

If a referral is needed Home-Start can do this, please speak to your Family Support Coordinator


Below are a list of useful links including telephone numbers and websites. Clicking on the links will open a web page for the site in a new window. The page is organised as an expandable “accordion” which makes access easier for mobile users. Simply locate the title of the organisation you are looking for and then click on the title. The entry will expand to show you the detail along with any links to external sites.

Local Services Government websites

Spelthorne Borough Council

website: www.spelthorne.gov.uk

Surrey County Council

website: www.surreycc.gov.uk

Home-Start Surrey

Vernon House
28 West Street

website: http://homestartsurrey.org/
email: admin@homestartsurrey.org

Important Safeguarding Notice:

The Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA) is the umbrella term used to describe the front door to SCC services for children.  Parents, carers and practitioners can phone in to access support, information and advice for families an those who work with children in Surrey.

Who to contact:

If you are a child or young person being abused or neglected, or an adult who is concerned about a child or young person’s safety and wellbeing, you can contact the Children’s Services ‘Single Point of Access’ between 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.

For people with hearing or speech impairments:

During evenings, weekends and bank holidays, the Emergency Duty Team is available:

For people with hearing or speech impairments:

  • Text line: 07800 000388
  • Text relay (a speech-to-text translation service): 18001 01483 517898

Telephone: 0300 470 9100 01483 517898 (out of hours), Website: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/children/contact-childrens-services

Family Centres in Spelthorne

Offering a wide range of activities and services to local families with children under five

Stanwell Family Centre

There are now two main family centres and two satellite centres.

Hadrian Way, Stanwell, TW19 7HE

Tel: 01784 241407

Email: stanwellfamilycentre@surreycaretrust.org.uk

Website: https://www.stanwellfamilycentre.org.uk/

Clarendon Family Centre

There are now two main family centres and one satellite centre.

Knapp Road, Ashford. TW15 2HZ

Tel: 01784 424759

Email: clarendoncc@clarendon.surrey.sch.uk

Website: https://clarendonfamilycentre.co.uk/

Clarendon Family Centre - Buckland SATELLITE

https://clarendonfamilycentre.co.uk/There are now two main family centres and one satellite centre.

Buckland Primary School, Berryscroft Road, Laleham, Staines. TW18 1NB

Tel: 01784 424759

Email:  clarendoncc@clarendon.surrey.sch.uk

Website:  https://clarendonfamilycentre.co.uk/

National Organisations

Home-Start UK
For more information about the national organisation of
Tel: 0800 068 6368
website: www.home-start.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) website has a lot of useful information and advice. website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk


Women’s Aid
Working to end domestic violence against women and children.
Tel: 0808 2000 247    
NHS Services
Feeling poorly?  Had a minor accident?  Dont just go to A&E…
NHS services are available elsewhere so if it is not a serious emergency try the following:
PHARMACIST – Who is a health care professional and can provide advice and treatment for common conditions such as diarrhoea, headache, sore throat, coughs, minor illnesses and skin conditions.
GP – Your GP is your first point of call for on-going illnesses or injuries.
WALK-IN CENTRE – If you have an urgent but non-life threatening injury or illness, e.g. cuts, sprains, strains, minor burns or scalds.
To find the right treatment visit website:  www.nhs.uk
NHS 111

Get help for your symptoms.
Tel: 111
website: https://111.nhs.uk/


Men, is it time to talk?

Mentell provides circles for men aged 18+ to talk in a safe and confidential space, free from advice and judgement.

website:  https://www.mentell.org.uk/

Mums Net
Useful site with lots of help and advice for parents with young children.
website: www.mumsnet.com
Useful with lots of advice for parents and young children.
website: www.netmums.com
Money Saving Expert
Useful advice making your money go further, special offers etc.
website: www.moneysavingexpert.com
National website offering help and advice for disabled young people and their families.
website: www.kids.org.uk
The Brigitte Trust
The Brigitte Trust provides non-medical support at home for people with a life-threatening illness and their carers.  The service is free of charge.  Volunteers offer emotional support and help in practical ways, e.g. shopping, transport, hospital appointments or by providing respite time for a carer.
website:  www.brigittetrust.org
First Aid at your Fingertips
The British Red Cross has produced an app for your mobile phone or mobile pc device giving information and advice for Baby and Child First Aid.  This mans you are only a few clicks away from learning essential first aid which can save lives.  The app provides useful videos, animations, self-test section and an A&E finder.
website:  www.redcross.org.uk/babyand childrenapp
The British Red Cross Free App
The British Red Cross has produced an app for your mobile phone or tablet giving information and advice for 18 everyday first aid scenarios, as well as tips on how to prepare for emergencies, from severe winter weather to road traffic accidents.

With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice, it has never been easier to learn first aid.
website:  www.redcross.org.uk/app

Care for the Family – help for bereaved parents
Care for the Family offer support for parents who have lost a child.
Through discussion with parents they have developed a list of ‘Dos and Donts’ which are useful for anyone working with or supporting
bereaved parents.  This list is available from the Home-Start Spelthorne Office.

website:  www.careforthefamily.org.uk

TAMBA (support for twins and multiple births)
Website offering support for families with twins and multiple births
website: www.tamba.org.uk
Project Linus
Project Linus is a network of volunteer needlewomen throughout the UK whose aim is to provide comfort and cheer to babies, children and teenagers who are sick or distressed by providing homemade quilts and all are different.
website:  www.projectlinusus.org.uk
Fire Safety
Last year over 200 people died in fires in the home.  You are at least
4 times more likely to die in a fire in the home if there is no working
smoke alarm.  500 children under the age of 11 are injured and 11
are killed in fires in the home in England every year.

In the event of a fire GET OUT, STAY OUT and call 999.

For information on fire safety see www.direct.gov.uk/firekills

Change 4Life – Sugar Swaps

The NHS Change 4 Life website has many ideas on how you can eat smart.  You can download activity packs, recipes and exercise tips which can help families learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and reduce obesity in children.  See:  www.nhs.uk/change4life

It is surprising how much sugar there is in some of the food and drink we give our children.  Too much sugar means extra calories, which can cause fat to build up and could lead to heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes.


STEP CHANGE Debt Charity
Free debt advice online.  Find out about a debt management plan (DMP) which can help someone to manage their debts and pay them off at a more affordable rate.  Get expert advice with issues like rent arrears or house repossession and bankruptcy. For more information go to www.stepchange.org


Surrey Welfare Rights Unit – Money Matters for Every Child
 Did you know that in the UK it is estimated that over £15bn of benefits is unclaimed?  Surrey Welfare Rights Unit can offer independent and confidential advice to families who have specific benefit queries.  The benefit system is extremely complicated and families are not always receiving all that they are entitled to.  Parents may be wary of making an enquiry because they think it will immediately affect what they are already in receipt of by Surrey Welfare Rights Unit will provide them with the information they need before they make any changes to their claim.  If you know of a family who need more information please contact the Home-Start Spelthorne office so we can forward the query.


Anxious? Stressed? Depressed? try leso Online
Online talking therapy can help.  Get one-to-one therapy with a qualified therapist free through Ieso online.

If you are registered with a GP in North West Surrey, East Surrey, Surrey Downs, Guildford and Waverley or Surrey Heath you can self-refer to our online therapy service promptly and easily without the need to visit your GP.  Visit: www.iesohealth.com/surrey or telephone 01954 230066.

Pandas Foundation (Pre and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support)

PANDAS provides help to improve the lives of people affected by Pre (Ante) and Postnatal illness, for those living with Antenatal Depression, Postnatal Depression, OCD, Anxiety, Psychosis and their family and carers.  Advice and support is available. 

Tel: 07974 820944 

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/PANDASClosedGroup

AMIGO - Supporting Clients in Recovery from mental ill health

AMIGO matches trained volunteers with people who require support and encouragement to move forward on their journey of recovery from mental ill health whilst becoming independent from mental health services.  Volunteers can help people to make connections within the local community and help them to take up activities that will help boost confidence and increase motivation enabling people to re-engage in the community.  For more information see https://catalystsupport.org.uk/services/amigos/

Local Organisations

The following organisation operate in and around Spelthorne.

Health Visiting Team

Families with children from birth to 19 years old can call our Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line on 01883 340 922

The Advice Line is available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and provides support on all aspects of child health, development and parenting.

You can book an appointment with the Health Visiting and School Nursing teams through the Advice Line.

For further information go to their website: https://childrenshealthsurrey.nhs.uk/


Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA)

The Children’s Single Point of Access is the umbrella term used to describe the front door to SCC services for children.  Parents, carers and practitioners can phone in to access support, information and advice for families an those who work with children in Surrey.

Who to contact:

If you are a child or young person being abused or neglected, or an adult who is concerned about a child or young person’s safety and wellbeing, you can contact the Children’s Services ‘Single Point of Access’ between 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.


For people with hearing or speech impairments:


During evenings, weekends and bank holidays, the Emergency Duty Team is available:


For people with hearing or speech impairments:

  • Text line: 07800 000388
  • Text relay (a speech-to-text translation service): 18001 01483 517898


Telephone: 0300 470 9100 01483 517898 (out of hours), Website: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/children/contact-childrens-services

North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service

Covering the boroughs of Epsom, Ewell, Elmbridge and Spelthorne.

North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service provides a confidential phone line for anyone who needs support,l advice, guidance and information because of domestic abuse.  They also run the Freedom Programme which is a free course raising awareness of domestic abuse.  It consists of 11 sessions and aims to empower women who have experienced domestic abuse.  Each session looks at different types of abuse and the impact of the behaviour on women and children.  The Outreach workers will meet their clients in an appropriate and safe location and can offer advice about benefits, court orders and how to keep safe.

Tel: 01932 260690

Website: www.nsdas.org.uk

Carers Support Spelthorne becomes Action for Carers
Action for Carers Surrey has now taken over the services for carers across Surrey so the local branch of Carer’s support no longer exists.  However, carers will still be offered services but will need to contact Action for Carers through their website:  www.actionforcarers.org.uk

Jacqui Maclean has moved over as Senior Advisor, Action for Carers Surrey (or Surrey Young Carers) Direct Line: 0303 040 1234

Children and Family Health Surrey

Children and Family Health Surrey is the Surrey-wide NHS community health service for children and young people from birth up to 19 years of age and their parents and carers.

Families with children from birth to 19 years old can call the Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line on 01883 340922. The Advice Line is available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and provides support on all aspects of child health, development and parenting.  Families can book an appointment with a Health Visitor through the Advice Line.  They also have a useful website:  https://childrenshealthsurrey.nhs.uk/

ADHD Surrey UK

The ADHD Centre, has a team of highly experienced, well-trained psychiatrists, therapists and behavioral coaches available to support your needs. They offer the latest evidence-based treatment that can be got quickly, safely and effectively. Individual’s needs are important to them, so they have treatment packages that are personalised for each individuals special needs.

They provide ADHD diagnostic assessment, post-diagnostic advice, pharmacological treatment and psychoeducation for the treatment of ADHD. We assess and treat children from the age of six years old and adults of all ages. 
They  believe in putting people in charge of their own care and supporting them to make informed decisions about treatment based on their individual needs and life goals. 

Website: https://www.adhdsurrey.co.uk/

ADHD Spelthorne
This is a newly formed organisation.  For information on when and where meetings take place please visit their website:


Domestic Abuse Helplines and Online Support

Domestic Abuse Helpline 01483 776 822 9am-9pm 7 days a week.  Please reach out if you need to talk.  You can also visit the website:  www.healthysurrey.org.uk/domesticabuse

Children and Family Health Surrey 0-19 Advice Line 01883 340 922 8am -5pm Mon-Fri exc Bank Holidays.  Contact their advice line for help on all aspects of child health, development and parenting.

MindEd for Families Advice and information from specialists and parents to help you understand what problems occur and what you can do best to support your family.  www.minded.org.uk

Family Information Service Information and signposting for families in Surrey covering childcare, education, family finance and wellbeing go to the Children and Family Health website:  https://childrenshealthsurrey.nhs.uk/

Debtscape Shepperton

Is a locally based debt advice centre, operating in association with Community Money Advice, a registered national debt advice charity.  They offer a FREE advice service to help anyone who needs advice concerning the management of their personal debts regardless of religion or beliefs.  They operate in Spelthorne, Walton-on-Thames, Weybridge and Hersham.

To contact Debtscape Shepperton directly please call: 01932 228882 or email info@jubileechurchshepperton.org

Website: https://www.jubileechurchshepperton.org/Groups/224434/Debtscape.aspx

Walton and District Twins Club

Their weekly toddler and baby group meet every Thursday morning in Hersham with the aim to provide parents and carers a chance to share knowledge, support each other and to make friends, and to meet other families with multiples in the area.

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Location: Hersham Girl Guide Hall, Faulkner’s Rd,

Hersham, Walton-on-Thames,

Surrey KT12 5JB

Entry: £4 per family

Website: https://waltontwinsclub.wixsite.com/waltontwinsclub

Get Smart with Art - Craft Club

Saturday Craft Club
10-11am – 5-8 year olds
11.30-12.30am – 8-11 year olds
Spelthorne Resource Centre,
Staines Park,
Commercial Road,
Staines. TW18 2QJ

For further information contact Leisure Services on 01784 446433 or email leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk.

Website:  https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/craftclub

Resource Centre

The Spelthorne Resource Centre offers scrap materials to members for fun and creative crafts including card, plastics, paper and fabric. Membership entitles an unlimited number of visits for one year. We may occasionally limit the amount you can take of popular or rare items in order to give members a fair share.  We do not guarantee the supply of any material.

There is also a small art materials shop.

Resource Centre opening hours – including school holidays

Wednesday 10am-2pm
Thursday 10am-2pm

Spelthorne Resource Centre,
Staines Park,
Commercial Road,
Staines. TW18 2QJ

For further information:

Website: https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/resourcecentre

Voluntary Support North Surrey

They are an independent charity working with and supporting voluntary and community organisations, statutory agencies and the business community to promote voluntary work, be a voice for the voluntary sector and identify gaps in provision of services.

They offer many free services to local voluntary groups including finding suitable volunteers, funding advice, help with business planning, marketing, access to training and much more.

Based in:

Staines Library (First Floor)
Friends Walk
TW18 4PG

Tel: 01784 465536

Web: https://www.voluntarysupport.org.uk/


Surrey Family Information Service

Subsidised relationship support from Relate West Surrey is now available for parents raising a child with a disability.

More information can be found at the following website or by telephoning 01483 715285. www.relatewestsurrey.org.uk or
www.relate.org.uk for the national site

Manna Food Bank
Families living in Spelthorne who are struggling financially can be referred to the Manna Food Bank.  For more information contact the Home-Start office, the St Peter’s Church Office or visit:http://www.mannafoodbank.org.uk
Early Support Service

The Surrey Early Support Service offers parents information about local services for young children with special needs or disabilities. They can help to co-ordinate services ensuring that everyone involved is aware of the overall needs of the child.

A key worker may be allocated to a family who will assist with arranging meetings and supporting the parents.

For more information visit their  website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/earlysupport
Email: earlysupport@surreycc.gov.uk

Jigsaw – Support for bereaved children

Jigsaw is a grief support project for bereaved children.  They offer support groups and activities for those children who have been affected by the death of a close relative.  They can also offer parents guidance on how best to talk to their children and the use of age appropriate language.  Children often perceive things very differently to an adult.  for example, if you say to a child ‘I lost my Mum’, they would probably assume that the person is lost but could be found just like a lost toy.  For more information visit.
Website: www.jigsawsoutheast.org.uk

The Importance of Dental Care from a Young Age
Currently in the UK there is a concern for the health of children’s teeth.  Do parents know when to start brushing?  Do parents supervise brushing?  Are children eating too much sugar?  We need to help parents access the dentist and increase awareness of the importance of good dental care.  There is a lot of information on the internet.  For example:  http://www.knowyourteeth.com/family/
Many two year old children in Surrey will qualify for 15 hours free childcare per week.  This childcare may be provided by a nursery placement or with a registered child minder.

To find out if a child meets the criteria or for more information visit and search FEET.
Website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/FEET

Healthy Start

What is Healthy Start?

If you are pregnant or have a child under four years old you could get Healthy Start vouchers to help buy some basic foods.  This means tested scheme which provides vouchers to be spent with local retailers.  To qualify, you or your family must be in
receipt of certain benefits, e.g. Income Support, Child Tax Credits.  The vouchers can be spent on cow’s milk, fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables and infant formula milk.  Claim forms are available from the Midwife or Health Visitor.
website:  www.healthystart.nhs.uk

First Steps Surrey NHS

The First Steps service is for anyone aged 18 years or above who is looking to take the first steps to improve mental well-being for themselves, their friends or family members.

First Steps to Support is a free and anonymous phoneline to help you, your friends or family with the life stresses you’re facing right now.

There is no waiting list, so contact us to help ease the pressure. You can call, text or email us :

Website: https://www.healthysurrey.org.uk/mental-wellbeing/self-help/advice-and-support-guide

Learn With Me

Child development tips for parents or 0-5 year olds.  

Learn with me is a county wide campaign encouraging families to get their children off to a great start through fun activities.  

Parents can visit: www.surreycc.gov.uk/earlylearning  to discover useful information and download free sheets full of tips.

Ashford Baptist Church Coffee Drop-in

There are various activity mornings for you and your children.

Based in Church Road, Ashford. TW15 2TT (behind the Tesco Express).

The coffee bar is open several times a week and there is a play area for children.

Call for more information.  Tel: 01784 557377

Website:  https://www.ashfordbaptistchurch.org/welcome.htm

Spelthorne ParaSports Club

Aimed at young people with disabilities aged 5-25 and their siblings, Spelthorne ParaSports Club provide opportunities to play a wide range of sports as well as offering sport specific coaching for those interested in developing skills. All sessions are overseen by enthusiastic volunteers although parents/guardians are encouraged to stay on side during the sessions.

Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 10:15-11:45am (term time) 

£3 a session (£2 for siblings) payable on the day. 

Try – 1st session free!

Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1AJ

When: Saturday 10.15 to 11.45 am.  Where:  Spelthorne Leisure Centre

For more information see website:  https://www.spelthorne.gov.uk/article/17522/Spelthorne-ParaSports-Club

The Counselling Partnership

The Counselling Partnership is an independent, local community charity. We are committed to improving mental well-being by providing professional, affordable one-to-one counselling to adults facing a variety of difficulties. These include depression, bereavement, anger, stress, anxiety, abuse, loss, phobias, post-traumatic stress, relationships, self-esteem, trauma and work or career-related issues.

We are an organisational member of the BACP and as such we follow its Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions and its Complaints Procedure. Counsellors are members of the BACP or UKCP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the UK Council for Psychotherapy).

To find out more visit their website:  www.thecounsellingpartnership.org

Phone 07494 893 443

Email info@thecounsellingpartnership.org

Mary Frances Trust

Mary Frances Trust supports individuals to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  The Trust runs groups across Spelthorne which include Peer support group, drop in cafe, badminton and football group.

If you feel you need extra support with your mental health, then please contact Michael Powell on 07961 478625 or go to their website to register: www.maryfrancestrust.org.uk.

Family Voice Surrey

Family Voice Surrey champions the needs and rights of SEND families in Surrey; families with children or young adults up to the age of 25 who have special educational needs, chronic illnesses, including mental health conditions, or disabilities.  Visit: www.familyvoicesurrey.org

Gingerbread Spelthorne

Spelthorne Gingerbread Group has been launched. Gingerbread is the leading national charity working with single parent families. They provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single mums and dads.

Gingerbread groups are a great way to meet other single mums and dads and make new friends. At group meetings, you’ll meet other people in the same boat to share experiences with.

To join the Spelthorne Gingerbread Group you must register with Gingerbread online: https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/register and then email spelthornegingerbread@gmail.com.

Be Your Best

Do you need help with supporting your child who maybe above a healthy weight range?

Be Your Best is all about helping your family to better health by supporting them to eat better, move more, and improve general well-being.

If you have a child or teenager aged 5-17 who weigh a bit more than they should, we can help you:

  • eat healthily on a budget
  • plan meals – even for fussy eaters
  • find ways to be more active
  • start swapping unhealthy habits for good ones

For eligible families we even offer one to one consultations with health and wellbeing coaches and exclusive online workshops for the whole family. (If you aren’t enrolled into Be Your Best we’ll delete your details after we’ve spoken to you).

You can email us at BeYourBest@surreycc.gov.uk or call us on 01483 517005 Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

For more information please visit www.bybsurrey.org

Home-Start Spelthorne wishes to recognise the following organisation for their support.

The Staines Society of Model Engineers

Operate the railway in Staines Park every 4th Sunday in the month, weather permitting.  For more information see: www.ssme.org.uk

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